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Here is an opportunity to do something that will


Impact The Community!


Help Carla make a difference


There are many ways to volunteer,

from walking door to door to hosting fundraising events.

Here are ways you can help:


A house party is a fun social gathering of friends, family, and supporters of my campaign.  We agree on a date and time.  Most of the details are up to you as the party host.


Attendees will be asked to make a donation at the door. Unlike more formal events, guests do not need a ticket to attend, and can donate as much as they like. â€‹


There are lots of ways you can help as a volunteer.  The two most needed as of right now are people willing to help with phone banking and canvassing.


Phone banking is calling people (from a list) to tell them about Carla and asking for their support on November 6.


Canvassing is knocking on targeted doors in a neighborhood and telling people about Carla and asking for their support on November 6


A more time-consuming volunteer need exists for campaign staff.


Everything campaign related costs money, so one of the best ways you can help Carla get elected is by making a financial donation to her campaign.  

Join the Carla Fassbender Campaign

1251 Ostwalt Amity Rd

Cleveland, NC 27013

Tel: 980-458-2893

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